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Avolites Tiger Touch 6.1 Debuts on Level 42 Anniversary Tour

Yenz Nyholm with his Tiger Touch at the Royal Albert Hall on Level 42 anniversary tour

Lighting designer Yenz Nyholm used his Avolites Tiger Touch to help reignite the memories of Level 42 fans when the band performed at London's iconic Royal Albert Hall. The concert marked a quarter of a century since the band launched its seminal album Running in the Family.

Nyholm created a dynamic, clubby, retro feeling lighting and video set, which relied heavily on the use of old footage and promo videos from the 1980s. He programmed both the lighting and the video through his Avolites' Tiger Touch 6.1, which now features enhancements and updates that have advanced the console's capability considerably.

This update is very much to Nyholm's liking; he says he is extremely impressed by a number of the new features. "The best thing for me is the cue stacking. You can display your cue list and each individual cue's parameters on the screens, but better still you can go in and change every parameter without having to be in the cue itself. This has been a massive time saving device and made making changes very simple and efficient as the tour has moved from venue to venue."

For Nyholm, Avolites is the only choice: "I've always been an Avolites man, ever since I started. I really like the way the control surface is laid out; I like the way the desk works. I can achieve everything I want to, both creatively and technically, at speed."

For someone working in such a busy, ever-changing environment, the user-friendly nature of Avolites consoles is a lifesaver. "The layout of the console and the touchscreen work really well for me," says Nyholm. "Everything is just where you expect it to be and I never have to look around to find the right menu."


(19 November 2012)

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