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ETC's Classic Source Four PAR and PARNel fixtures, Now in LED

Go LED without sacrifice -- Source 4WRD PAR and Source 4WRD PARNel Fixture Bodies are now shipping! These two new fixture bodies keep everything users love about incandescent Source Four PAR and PARNel fixtures, the company says, and add the innovation of ETC's Source 4WRD LED. Users can learn about the fixture bodies in a 90-second video https://youtu.be/DaZQQYOm8Kg or keep reading for all the details.

The S4WRD PAR has 126% of the output of a 750W Source Four PAR while only using 21% of the power. With wattage at a low 155W, heat is at a minimum.

The new Source 4WRD PAR and PARNel Fixture Bodies enable users to use the Source 4WRD LED in a whole new way, making them a great addition to any venue that already has Source 4WRDs in inventory, the company says. They also provide a great alternative for installations that previously utilized HID fixtures, providing a significantly higher lumen output with intensity control.

Both the Source 4WRD PAR and PARNel fixtures can be dimmed using a standard line dimmer or using DMX. Both fixtures are compatible with all existing Source Four PAR lenses and accessories.


(14 July 2017)

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