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Date Set for National Design Portfolio Review

This year's National Design Portfolio Review will take place on Thursday, May 23, from 11am to 8pm, in the African Grove Theatre at New York University's new Paulson Center.

An important launchpad for young design talents looking to jump-start their theatre careers, the NDPR was born in 2010 at the USITT Conference and Stage Expo, with the first event taking place in May 2011. It was created as a replacement for the annual design review run by the noted scenic designer and educator Ming Cho Lee, popularly known as "Ming's Clambake."

According to the event's organizers. "The mission of NDPR is to introduce talented, emerging, theatrical designers from the finest graduate training programs in the country to established producers, artistic directors, directors, and designers from across the country. The event serves as a formal welcome to the profession as postgraduates to present their portfolios and have an opportunity to dialogue and engage with the finest artisans in the profession."

In addition to NYU, which is hosting this year's event, participating schools include the University of Washington; University of California, San Diego; University of Missouri, Kansas City; Boston University; University of Connecticut; Northwestern University; UCLA; California Institute of the Arts; University of Texas at Austin; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of Cincinnati; Penn State; Brooklyn College; and Ohio University.

"The addition of new programs, including NYU and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville brings us closer to the spirit of Ming's Clambake," says the lighting designer Michael Chybowski, an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. "It is an opportunity to welcome postgraduates into the professional family of designers."

Costume designer Susan Mickey, who teaches at the College of Fine Arts, Boston University, adds, "This year, the dream of truly being a national representation of emerging designers is one step closer to realization. It is a coalescing event for our professional colleagues."

The organizers stress that the event is considered the final step in the MFA training process, introducing the young designers to New York City professionals for discussions about their portfolios and their path forward.

Attendees must register in advance. To do so, go to lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/utcjpmx.

(10 May 2024)

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