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EAW Brings Assembly of MKD Speaker Line In-house to Massachusetts Headquarters

EAW has begun assembling its MKD speaker line.

Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW) has successfully begun assembling its MKD speaker line in-house at its Whitinsville, Massachusetts headquarters.

The new dedicated assembly space began operation in November 2020 and has not stopped since, with production of the new MKD1200 Series and customization of existing products, such as the QX and MK lines. With two stations for assembly, the 2,400 sq.-ft. space is in full operation.

"EAW is proud to once again be assembling product in the US and is looking at additional lines that would be a good fit for the new assembly space," says TJ Smith, president, EAW. "Many of EAW's products are offered with configurable options, such as multiple horn patterns, rotatable horns and/or transformers all in black, white and weather protected cabinets. Conducting final assembly of these products in Whitinsville allows us to respond to customer demand faster and carry less inventory. Assembly in Massachusetts also saves a significant shipping cost."

In addition to assembly, the new dedicated space also serves as QC and testing to ensure that products are up to EAW's high standards of production. The shift towards in-house assembly for this line has enabled the company to build on-demand to better meet integrator and client requirements and project timelines.

"The production floor is immediately in front of the engineering team, which allows any potential problems to be identified and improvements to be made in real time," adds Smith. "This results in near-term quality improvements, faster time to market for new products and design for manufacturability in future products. The space provides a platform for future production expansion as the organization learns, grows and new products are added to the portfolio."


(6 May 2021)

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