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LightParts to Provide Technobeam Support

Ballantyne Strong Inc. reports that LightParts, Inc. has been chosen to take over the day-to-day support of Ballantyne's Technobeam. LightParts will now be the one-stop source for all support, repair, and replacement parts for the well-known moving mirror light.

"Since 2007, when Strong purchased the rights to manufacture the Technobeam from High End Systems, LightParts has been a partner of ours in supporting the large installed base of Technobeams around the world", said Paul Rabinovitz, vice president of Strong's lighting group. "Given LightPart's deep commitment to service and support Technobeam users could not be in better hands."

Robert Mokry, of LightParts, remarks "We approached Strong about handling Technobeam service and the timing was right for the two companies to come to an agreement". "LightParts is dedicated to entertainment lighting product parts sales and repair and Technobeam is a perfect fit to our business model", Mokry added.



(18 January 2012)

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