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PLASA TSP Draft Fall Protection Standard Posted for Review

Another draft American National Standard has been posted for public review on the PLASA Technical Standards Program website at http://plasa.me/4xvjf: BSR E1.46, Standard for the Prevention of Falls from Theatrical Stages and Raised Performance Platforms. Its public review period runs through July 13, 2015; the review is over and the links to the review materials disappear when July 14 starts.

BSR E1.46 has been written to address the very real problem of people falling from theatrical stages and raised platforms. Falling into an orchestra pit, an open stage trap, or similar openings in stage floors can lead to debilitating injuries, a lifetime of pain, and sometimes death. Health and safety regulations require action to prevent these falls -- there is no exemption from fall protection for the entertainment industry -- but these regulations offer little guidance that is suitable for theatrical environments. This document attempts to provide that guidance and to combat the notion that the risk of injury or death from falling off a stage is simply an unavoidable part of show business.

For more information, please contact: Karl G. Ruling, Technical Standards Manager, PLASA, 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609, New York, New York 10036; phone: 1-212-244-1505; or email: standards.na@plasa.org.



(18 May 2015)

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