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101-mile "A Light Walk," with ALPD, is Now Complete

Light Walkers for the ALPD Lumiere Scheme and Back Up, arrive at London's South Bank

The last footsteps of the 101-mile fundraising mission known as "A Light Walk" were taken on Friday, September 24th, 2021 as the five-day odyssey from The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford upon Avon to the National Theatre on London's South Bank drew to a halt. The team behind A Light Walk, which includes Chauvet's Sam Bowden and ALPD Lumiere Working group members, Charlotte Burton and Tamykha Patterson, were quick to point out, however, that although the walk is complete, the fundraising continues.

The epic hike was undertaken to highlight the vital work of, as well as raise money for, two great causes, the ALPD Lumiere Scheme and industry charity, Back Up.

While Bowden was the only wayfarer along the planned physical route, others walked an equal distance remotely. Remote walkers were either keeping the same timeframe or walking through the month of September around existing work commitments. Bowden was also joined by friend, Lewis Dainton who, while helping to raise money for the two main charities was also raising money for Children's World, a performance-based charity for children.

ALPD Executive committee member, Lucy Carter, undertook the route remotely. She explains, "With dog walking, walking weekends and walking to meetings instead of taking the tube, I'll be hitting my 101-mile target by September 30. While it's not the same challenge as the Light Walk team, maybe my efforts have succeeded in getting me a little bit fitter.

"The two causes are so important. Having once relied upon Back Up myself following a work accident, I understand how sudden changes can affect one's ability to work. And the ALPD Lumiere Scheme has helped and encouraged many emerging lighting designers and will now continue into the future including the other roles within the whole lighting team."

ALPD chair Johanna Town, comments, "We can't thank Sam and Lewis enough for their amazing achievement, and also Chauvet for their continuing support. The Lumiere has been such a success over the past years and this financial support allows us to give that opportunity to others in the future: both emerging designers and production staff."

Donations can still be given easily by scanning the QR code in the above photo, or by clicking here.


(28 September 2021)

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