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Kramer Electronics Becomes Audinate's 150th Dante Adopter

Audinate's Dante family of products

Kramer Electronics and Audinate announce that Kramer has become the 150th Dante manufacturer to license Audinate's Dante networking solution.

Kramer Electronics develops creative, reliable, and value-oriented audio, video, and computer signal processing solutions and distributes worldwide with a high level of service and support. Over its 30-year history, Kramer has been at the forefront of inventions and developments in the signal processing industry including the world's first combined video/audio processor.

"We see 2014 to be an important year for Kramer's expansion of delivering reliable and value-oriented audio solutions," stated Ezra Ozer, VP marketing of Kramer. "We evaluated other audio over IP networking technologies and it was obvious with Audinate, we did not need to place a bet, as it is the most requested audio networking technology in the market."

Dante is a media networking technology developed by Audinate, and has grown its OEMs by 50% in the past nine months. The company says Dante offers virtually perfect synchronization, ultra-low deterministic latency, and plug and play configuration management. Dante is a complete, commercially-supported solution, which is recognized to be easy to integrate, easy to install, and easy to use.

"This is another significant milestone for Audinate as a company. Audinate's focus on innovation, high interoperability, easy integration, and unsurpassed performance, have all directly influenced our rapid business growth and we look forward to continuing this trend," commented Lee Ellison, CEO of Audinate. "We share Kramer's deep philosophical roots in providing unparalleled customer support and outstanding solutions. We expect the market to rapidly embrace Kramer's Dante networked enabled products."



(18 July 2014)

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