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Centerstage Productions Chooses Coemar Reflection LEDko

Centerstage Productions, the Chicago-based lighting design and production services company, has chosen Coemar's Reflection LEDko LED profile unit as an alternative to ETC Source Fours with color scollers.

"I've been waiting a couple years now for an LED unit that could replace our Source Four ellipsoidal fixtures with scrollers," said Olivier Ilisca, who founded the company with Bruce Holland in 1996. "For smaller scale shows with lower ceilings and a limited budget, the Reflection LEDko is the perfect choice. With its vivid colors, bright beams and no scrollers, the LEDko FullSpectrum was able to keep up with our overall lighting levels."

Reflection LEDko is billed as being the first LED profile capable of projecting soft-edged profile light with no reduction in light intensity due to additional filters. It is also the first LED profile that can be used in the same way as traditional profiles and can obtain any color tone, shade and white light.

"At a recent corporate financial conference in California, we used 20 Reflection LEDko FullSpectrum fixtures and were very happy with their performance. Not one of the units failed and we were able to provide various scenic lighting without the need for scrollers, which is a great alternative to expensive moving lights with shutters," said Ilisca.

CenterStage Productions approached LED Source, the exclusive distributor of Coemar LED products in North America, to spec an event after hearing about the Reflection LEDko. "This was the perfect solution to meet their specific design requirements," said Jerry Mitchell, Coemar sales manager at LED Source. "In the past, using technology such as the traditional Source Four profile with scrollers, required multiple dimmers and long setup times. They were also bulky and cumbersome with multiple parts leading to more possible failures. By changing to the LEDkos, we eliminated the noisy scrollers, the power supplies, and extra gear translating to a smaller truck pack and fast setup."

(12 January 2012)

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