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Allen & Heath dLive Provides Adaptable Audio Solutions for Royal College of Surgeons

Allen & Heath's dLive at the Royal College of Surgeons

A variety of Allen & Heath digital mixing solutions have recently been installed by the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh UK, including dLive S Class and GLD digital mixing systems.

The college is one of the oldest surgical corporations in the world -- tracing its origins back to 1505 -- and is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence and advancement in surgical practice through its interest in education and training.

Located in the college's flagship Main Hall venue, the dLive system was specified for its ability to allow a compact Allen & Heath DM48 MixRack set-up controlled via iPad (with A&H's Director app) for smaller events and meetings, while a dLive S3000 mixing surface can be employed for more involved productions.

The Symposium Hall -- a 158-seat tiered lecture theatre in a converted church building -- features a GLD-112 digital mixer with remote IO AR2412 and AB168 AudioRacks.

Royal College of Surgeons senior AV technician Ben Taylor said, "A good number of the events we run -- dinners, exhibitions, music events, conferences, and recently our 'Slainte' Scottish nights aimed at the foreign tour market -- don't require a dedicated technician. And with such a compact campus, space is very much at a premium so we wanted a largely invisible-but-powerful solution. Adjusting settings via an iPad or PC without having to set up a separate console is our daily bread and butter, while having the ability to easily enable a much larger and complex setup with real faders and knobs in front of us is equally important. The dLive and MixRack set-up is ideal for coping with both types of situation."


(16 February 2017)

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