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Alcons Gets Aplauz for New Polish Distributor

Tom Back of Alcons Audio (left) and Grzegorz Fotek of Aplauz Poland (right), flanking the LR18 pro-ribbon line-array.

Located in Lomianki, near Warsaw, Aplauz was established in 2003 and has grown to become one of Poland's most renowned suppliers of professional audio solutions. One of the company's guiding principles is choosing products by manufacturers who indisputably provide the highest quality products.

"We became aware of Alcons five or six years ago," says Aplauz president and managing director Grzegorz Fotek. "We have watched as they have risen to the top of the industry, as people recognize that their pro-ribbon technology delivers the very best possible sound. Alcons is now one of the world's leading audio manufacturers and everyone we speak to who listens to their technology is always very impressed."

Last year, Aplauz and Alcons collaborated on a project that included a shoot-out between a large number of the very top loudspeaker brands, which really put Alcons on the map in the Polish market. This was followed by an event in Lódz which was the first official presentation of Alcons in Poland. It included a presentation by Alcons co-founder Tom Back on the background to the company's pro-ribbon technology, with demonstrations of a nine cabinet per side LR18 system with BQ211 subs. The company's VR series point source systems and QR series line-source solutions were also demonstrated.

"It generated a lot of positive comments," says Back. "All of the attendees were unanimously surprised about the clarity, detail, and sheer output of the systems."

Aplauz works with many house of worship projects. These frequently have very difficult acoustics, thanks to the large spaces and many flat, reflective surfaces in church buildings. Fotek has found that Alcons pro-ribbon technology is the perfect solution to taming them.

"We have supplied a system of QR24s, QM24s, and VR8s to a company that does a lot of music productions in churches," he says. "The pro-ribbon technology is breath-taking, the result is breath-taking too -- the sound quality on this project was exceptional."

With more projects in the pipeline, Fotek is looking forward to showing many more Polish venues and production companies the advantages of using Alcons systems.

"In my opinion there is no doubt that Alcons is the best," he says. "Nobody else in the professional audio market has this kind of technology and we are happy to support them as one of the very top brands."

"Aplauz has established itself as one of Poland's leading and most trusted audio suppliers," says Alcons' Back. "Bringing new technology to the professional market is not only about a great product, it's about the people who locally put their reputation behind those products."

"Grzegorz and his staff have chosen to communicate our commitment and belief in the benefits of pro-ribbon technology to their discerning clients in the Polish market. We feel a great responsibility to support Aplauz and the two companies will work very closely to help them achieve the success in Poland that Alcons is experiencing worldwide."



(17 February 2017)

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