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Green Hippo Announces Internship Program

Media server manufacturer Green Hippo announces the start of its ongoing internship program.

As of last September 2011 the company added Suzy Casserley as an intern on the technical support team. Studying a BA Hons degree in lighting programming at Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance, Casserley is involved in demo kit testing, technical support, and HippoSchool training sessions.

"My time at Green Hippo has been an amazing opportunity for me. I feel that I have gained a lot of practical knowledge and experience that I couldn't acquire solely in an educational environment." Casserly continues, "I have also had the chance to network extensively and I have made some valuable industry contacts which will hopefully help my future career. I am really enjoying my time at Green Hippo and look forward to the possibility of carrying on in 2012."


(17 January 2012)

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