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Pliant Technologies' CrewCom Delivers Clear, Easy-to-use Communication Solution for Iglesia Comunidad de Fe

Pliant Technologies' CrewCom wireless intercom system

When church officials at Miami's Iglesia Comunidad de Fe were looking to upgrade production communications and replace their existing wired intercom, they turned to media director and technical guru Denis Orozco to find a solution. Through Mix3 Sound, a Florida-based live event, AV installation and project service provider, Orozco was introduced to Pliant Technologies' CrewCom wireless intercom system.

Mix3 Sound worked with Iglesia Comunidad de Fe for its outdoor conference, MEGA CIM, which was the first time Orozco had used CrewCom. "The venue we rented for the event had too many runs and limited access for cables, so the crew at Mix3 Sound brought the CrewCom wireless system to our attention," says Orozco. "Once they reassured us the system was going to allow us to cover the entire venue, we were eager to see it in action. Once we used it, we knew we needed the CrewCom wireless system in our church."

The decision to replace the church's existing intercom system was born out of necessity as the wired solution was too cumbersome. In addition, the lack of reliable communication led to too many errors during productions. The new CrewCom intercom solution for Iglesia Comunidad de Fe was comprised of one Control Unit (CCU-22), two Radio Transceivers (CRT-900), 12 2-Volume/2-Conference Radio Packs (CRP-22-900), along with Pliant's SmartBoom headsets.


(29 September 2022)

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